The last few days have been entirely hectic, hopefully things are calming and coming together. Granted I know full well they won't until the middle of next week at the earliest.
This week I destroyed my email, and started virtually from scratch. Kiddo and I are firmly nestled back in our own home. I've was able to arrange things to get a proper nurse for the kiddo. My back is still psychotic after a few days of allowing me to feel human, and get my hopes up about returning to my 'normal' life. The internet in the chateau has been reconnected now that we're re-habitating our domicile.. no more hoping for a connection to scalp. Just rebuilding my system components from the ground up.
I spent yesterday morning at the neurosurgeon's office for my first post op visit. I'm still not cleared to drive. *cough* I have had my scripts extended for the muscle relaxers and pain killers. They've prescribed steroids, physical therapy.. 3 days a week, for the next month and they've added a
new script for a medicine that is supposed to 'change the way my nerves respond to pain'. I was advised to take them at bedtime as thats when the pain is the worst. uhm. I still woke up in the middle of the night in pain. The difference is, its not just in my hips (pelvic bone/sacrum) I woke up and it was just the right hip.. with pain radiating down to my knee. 24 hours into the medication, my legs *hurt* -they ache like I'm on day 3 of a disney epcot adventure that I'd been hiking through in cheap shoes. Just tired, dull, achey.*. like they want to move. Very restless leg syndrom-y. I'm still having the random spasms in my low back. At least they think the incisions are healing nicely. Gotta keep the scars smokin' hot! :/
I'm not amused and just want my stupid back to work properly. I'm definitely growing frustrated with this mess. Kelly might be right, maybe she and I have both hit the end of where western medicine can take us with this back crap.
After the doc's off
ice and the pharmacy, I fetched up the Sprout from school and snatched up Bosley. We went to the vet to get his last series of puppy shots and prep him for kenneling next week while we're out of town. We were also at the vet to pick up poor little Elvis. Elvis looks freaking miserable. His vet informed me that the clot in E's ear was the largest one he's seen in 43 years of being a vet. Eegh. Elvis once again has hot pink stitches.. as well as two drainage tubes sticking out of incisions carved into his ear. He needs pain meds 3x a day and to have his incisons peroxided 2x a day. He is not amused by the peroxide. He may look miserable, but he is quick to perform an alligator roll and provide his belly for rubs. Whenever I catch him going for his incisions, I rub his neck and he calms to a purr instantly. He goes back in two weeks for his follow up.
Today, my nephew came to hang out as he was suspected of having pink eye. I took him to the pediatrician who confirmed conjunctivitis as well as a raging double ear infection. While we were at the pharmacy I got a call from Sprout's school. She had a seizure while taking her spelling practice test. It was the shortest gran mal she's had.. lasting approximately three minutes. She came back around quickly aftward as well. it was pretty scary, but she seems ok. I'm taking her in to the hospital in the morning before school to get her levels checked so we can get her meds adjusted properly. I'm told puberty is an especially hellish time for kids with seizures.
By the time I got home.. I was completely worn out. Dinner, post ictal kid, kitty in need of meds and peroxide.. btw I have lovely holes in my arm, by claws that made it through my hoodie and long sleeved shirt.
We leave Monday morning for Minnesota. I'm hoping to haveThe Best Shriner's Visit Ever! (tm) However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit afraid of the 7 hour drive annoying my back further.
However... I got super awesome mail today. I received a slightly mis-delivered package from my
SecretPal Pal. Fantastic! It looks to be the entire contents of my
KnitPicks wishlist. Which of course were all placed there because I had projects in mind for them. I will try and snap some pictures of them tomorrow. My pal has definitely gone above and beyond. Now that I think about it, I don't think I posted pics from her previous package.. which had limenviolet sock yarn from
lisa souza and a beautifulskein of merino/silk yarn from
ellen's half pint farm (also snacks, there were snacks! no pictures of those though, totally snarfed them down already.)
I am two half projects away from finishing my holiday knitting.. I earned a special dispensation for the fact that I spent the two months pre-ceeding the holidays.. broken. :/ .. not to mention largely unconcious.. mmm pills.. and without my internet addiction. I'm ready to dive into all of this fluffy secret pal goodness. I have stuffs to make.
This was way longer than I intended.. at least I'm ending on a good note.
*after I wrote this entry, I went to get some links to supplement it.. 'lo and behold my drugs say to 'notify your doctor about any... muscle pain along with a fever or tired feeling..." lovely.