15 January 2007

(not snow) boots, snow, cold

I'm watching The View right now. Yes, I know.

That SuperNanny is on. I like her.
I like Rosie even more.

But something concerns me.

It appears Barbara Walters and I have the same knee high boots.
(the same boots that terrified me when I liked them so much, I got them in two colours*)

I'm making up for it today though.
I'm stomping through the snow in my combat boots.

Its so cold outside that my digital camera is laughing at me.
its ok though. I like this cold/snow thing.
-2, -20ish windchill.
five inches (wish it was more) of fresh powder.

I'm still sucking down vicodin and flexeril.
My back is miserable. Miserable.

*I never do that.
(unless you count having multiple colours of old skool vans/visions)
My sister the shopping fashion maven does that.

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