15 February 2007

hospital, redux.

Well that last post was a while ago. At least it seems like it. There have been some "changes" and disgruntled doesn't even begin to cover it.

Sunday night, they thought the problem may be with her depakote. Something my mom and I have both mentioned. She started it on a Thursday and began vomiting the following Wednesday. At the same time, she typically starts vomiting 1.5-2 hours after she eats. Depakote side effect/ warning signs include lethargy, vomiting, dyspepsia.

As of this morning, Sprout has lost nearly 9kg since our trip to Shiner's at the the end of January.

Monday mid-morning, they had decided the problem lay with her pyloric valve, which allows food to move past the stomach into the intestinal tract when its time. If it doesnt open, the food comes back up. The Pediatrician (not ours, but the hospital one) and GI guy had some differing opinions. The GI was a consult, however it seemed almost as if HP was discounting his opinions. I can't count how many times I heard that he was "just a consult" not a decision maker.

Tuesday afternoon, much to my surprise they told us that we were going home that night. They also told me that Sprout would be randomly puking for as long as the next two months, until her pyloric was 're-trained'. I stressed that in the hospital, everytime she vomited or had some other incident, it took 2-3 people to fix her up.. and I'm alone.. and have a bad- fresh from surgery back. They made it sound like we'd be peachy fine.. Sprout would be able to go to respite etc.. not too big of a deal. (1-2 pukes, no big deal, more than that.. she'd need to come back)

We arived home between 8 and 9. I was exhausted and froze my ass off trying to get things coordinated and into the house. My mom came over and helped me get Sprout into bed. I worked my way though her giant ass list of new medications and tucked her in. I fell asleep while checking my email.

Clearly Mr. Not Too Big of an Issue (pediatrician).. lied.

Wednesday AM (her birthday) she woke up at 7am and happy but weak. My mom had to hold her upight on the toilet. She was eager for breakfast and took her pills with half a pudding pack. When it was time to get ready to go to respite care for the day.. she started to get really droopy and spacey. While we were getting gas she decided that she didn't want breakfast. Halfway down the highway, she disappeared from my rearview mirror. She was folded up in the back, chin in her knees and not talking. I pulled over and poked at her, and called my mom. We met mom at her office.. just before nine, and Sprout began vomiting.

Sprout vomited until 2pm. I called the doctor (as instructed >7 vomits? = big deal to me). Would you believe her pediatrician was never even notified that we were admitted? Which is why we never saw her, just random hospital dude? She sent us back to the ER, and we were re-admitted last night. Ask Sprout how her birthday was. I dare you.

She improved greatly after 9, went to sleep around 11. She vomited once this morning mid-pills. We think that was more of an over active gag. At this point, she is having difficulty taking her pills, and pretty much has to gag them all down. She ate breakfast at 9. She went to sleep shortly after, and started vomiting in her sleep.. about 1130am and kept it up until around 230pm

I met with HER pediatrician this morning.. I discussed our concerns with the Depakote, she is going to have Sprout's neurologist look things over and come visit with us as well. She is scheduling an upper GI for first thing tomorrow morning. We then saw Dr. Z, the GI specialist. came by a short time ago. He is scheduling Sprout for a contrast dye thingie and endoscopy.

Her pediatrician hugged her when she left and told her she's be back tomorrow and Saturday. So I'm guessing we're here until at least then.
When we were discharged they told me they'd forward our mail to our house. I need to find out if there is a way to have them redirect it here to the sixth floor instead. (room 623 for you locals). I know we wont show as a 'room change' because we were actually discharged.

Dinner tonight is a pile of suck.

speaking of.
yays and thanks to my monday crew. monday night eliza and alicia showed up with books, movies, knitting and snacks! and coffee! Lynn came and brought coffee too! yum. lynn also used her laptop to test for a wireless connection.. i have a spotty weak one.. but its here!)
unfortunately all my grocery snacks are in my apartment (maybe i can get my mom to bring them back up tomorrow?)

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