16 February 2007

a sorta kinda day late birthday

They ended up holding off (for now) on the NG tube. Sprout was having a pretty good afternoon yesterday, after a not-so-hot morning. One of her favorite counselors from he summetime daycamp was one of the nursing students on the floor yesterday. Her arrival meant the NA from hell stayed out of our room after the incidents that caused me to nearly give her a verbal head-ripping. She was having a good time painting signs for her room with Miss Kim while I snuck out to assemble a make-shift birthday party.

pale? check. under eye circles? check. cake, funky head band, cheesy grin, balloons and sparkling juice? check, check and check.

Why yes, that IS a Fraggle! Red to be exact. Note the bench on the far left.. thar be me sleepin' accomodations.
It looks comfier than it is.

An exhausted girl as the company departed..

she sleeps.

Big happy thanks to Jaime, Alicia, Sara, Dante and Lynn for coming by, bringing presents and snacks.. and most of all, singing happy birthday and sharing some cake with Cait and making her night a bit more special. Thanks to Liz too for coming by in the afternoon with some loot that L&V listeners have sent to us. I need to make with some computer time and check out the episode they mentioned us in. Everyone.. friends, family and strangers have been great to us through the last couple of weeks... hopefully we'll be off of this rollercoaster from hell soon.

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