22 September 2006

ratty mcbratty

My little Chubbz has gone from being a fatty... to being a 3.5ish year old skinny. Further inspection with the assistance of Alicia, shows that she does in fact, have a cut on her neck, and a tumor growing in her left hind leg. Based on her age, she prlly wouldn't survive surgery. The plan is to keep her neck from getting infected, and to spoil her rotten until she begins to suffer (which is questionable.. she has started to make a terrible noise when she breathes while sleeping. like snoring but.. not)

Needless to say, I think sweet, friendly little Chubbz won't be with us much longer. She's lived a long, happy life. The rest of it is going to be as happy and painless as I can make it. As much as I know she's lived a good life, I still wish it wasn't drawing to a close now, when I'm feeling pretty much less than awesome about a lot of things.

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