02 October 2006

dish cloth woot.

I'm taking part in the DishCloth Knit Along.. So far, I've manged to knit up two in a fairly basic pattern. In August there were a couple of handknit dish cloths in the kitchen at the cabin. Mom had made a comment about how I should be knitting "some of these". Little did she know I had already been acquiring the yarn to make some for her. I made note of the cloths at the cabin, not realizing they are apparently the most common pattern out there. (I just thought they looked easy) No surprise there, found all over the place as "Grandma's Favorite" or some variation of those words, its also in the Idiot's Guide to Knitting..

So here are my first two dish cloths.. the idiot cloth.. as seen in a lime and yellow sugar 'n cream yarn and a pink and lavender hand dyed cotton.

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